Maybe world peace is only a thought the mind can fathom. To see it in reality would be like living in virtual reality. So many simple yet complex excuses to reasons it cannot be. Yet the opposite of the original is accepted; accepted with no excuses to its wrong doings, but instead justifications for its actions. Justifications that say it’s a necessity of life, yet this “necessity” was warned of years before its justification came. So what is true and what is false. We ask questions on a daily, that in reality its answer our not worthy of our knowing. And because we are not granted with the organic truth we substitute for a mere illogical representation of the truth. Eager for wisdom and understanding of a supernatural phenomenon that no one of us made up of it can come to truly understand. Yet because we cannot accept our place in this matter because we know we only have a short time here, we consume ourselves with ways of “improvement” we feel are best, that can lead to a long more satisfying time spent here. Yet the feelings you acquire from these materialistic (man-made) things do not satisfy that emptiness you are longing to feel. If there was no emptiness in none of us, we would not desire to seek satisfaction. Because that desire is longing for something that man cannot fill, most continue to search though-out life and never fill it. Yet there are those, few I am coming to understand more and more compared to the many that seek and find that desire from their Creator. Once discovered; the need for fulfillment by man in this world comes to an end and realization of the need for your Father comes to hand, life presents itself in a more beautiful way. Full of love, hope, forgiveness, and grace it’s a place of beauty and wonder here for you to learn and experience what can and what is to come.