Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Hostility of Accepting Wrong

November 22, 2013

Hostility of Accepting Wrong

Excuse me for my hostility from being tired of settling for what isn’t right. There comes a point in one’s life when they are confronted with the truth and knowledge of a situation, and must decide whether to ignore or accept it. To accept it means, that if there lies a problem within that truth being present/exposed one must seek to expose it; make known, that truth. Truth entails righteousness. The ability to seek; in any circumstance, the right choice that takes not only ones self, but others, into consideration before choosing.

We placed our trust in a system that is not meant to lead us. Yes, it may have been created as so decades ago, but today, that original purpose no longer aligns with today’s world. The framers forgot one thing when trying to structure the government. This life is ever changing, and therefore, man is changing with it. What was applicable hundreds of years ago, is no longer so today. The rules set in place to govern- control- the people were constructed in a time when technology was not present. That in itself shows the magnitude in different environments. Therefore, we cannot continue to follow a system whose foundation is encompassed in racial, ethnocentric, points of views that cannot exist in today’s system without causing conflict (as we see to this day).

People are being constrained to this ideology that if they work hard they can live the American dream. However, this notion is so flawed yet covered so well, most people never catch the flaw. Only a blind person could accept the American creed, and unfortunately blind are most today. Blind to the illusions set in place to district them from the truth; better yet reality. Blind to the value they are truly worth. So consumed by materials most are never consumed by anything else. There will be a time, however; there has to be a time, when those who are blind receive sight. Until that time those who can see, must lead the way, and stand to their feet.

I cannot be the only one anxious to be free. Tired of being restrained from experiencing life outside these walls. They say we have free-will, yet why do I feel like a prisoner. I live right. I strive for good. I love with no end. So why can I not live! Why can I not be free? Free to experience everything my God left me, here on this earth; with no restraint, no restrictions, nor a form of compensation demanded.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Thoughts of Insanity

As I sit and ponder about the purpose of this life thousands of thoughts flood my mind. Questions of right and wrong are debated back and forth; back and forth. The question of insanity creeps up. Making its presence ever so clear, my mind struggles to rationalize its being. Am I or am I not? Are these outlandish made up thoughts from single pieces of information stored over time, being collected and jumbled together to make what seems to be a critical thought; outrageous or righteous? That very question haunts and still haunts me. Creating dreams so vivid, so life-like; reality and imagination become one. Leaving me stuck in this thought it is all an illusion, or perhaps a test of who can keep sane the longest.  But as one steps back and re-exams this life holistically, one is presented with the question, why? Why is all of this necessary? We have the potential to be great. Too live in a world of peace and love. Yet, you would never think that concept of living is possible but I am here to tell you it is. Many struggle with the notion is “impossible” something actually factual. One can argue all things are possible therefore nothing is impossible, as well, another could argue all things are not possible therefore something is impossible. But is that not an excuse of a limitation to mankind. We believe we are the superior being of all. Yet, some doubt their ability to be innovative and obtain self-actualization. Why? Is it because so few have led the way? Because those few have thought and talked for so many for so long leaving many, not knowingly, to follow blindly with no mind. Causing a static advancement of the very thing that makes us. But this problem is not encountered by all. Is it a reality that this will ever happen? Most would say no, some would say yes. Sadly I am becoming one that would say no. This is what leaves me torn between my mind and my heart. One thinks logically as one is told to do so. The other thinks irrationally with feelings driving the irrationality. But looking back, as one should always do, at the beginning of these scrupulous words I’ve learned there is a time and a place for man’s logic. Moreover, it is a time and place for irrational thinking. It’s your choice to decide which is needed at the time. Who’s to say which is right and which is wrong? Who’s to say any thought is insane?

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Prophecies Of Old Current In Present Day

Prophecies Of Old Current In Present Day

Haggai, Chapter 1, versus 6: Ye have sown much, and bring in little; yea eat, but ye have not enough; ye drink, but ye are not filled with drink;ye clothe you, but there is none warm; and he that earneth wages earneth wages to put it into a bag with holes (Dake, 2009).

“Haggie was a prophet unto Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and to Joshua the son of Josedech the high priest.” In the second year of Darius the king, in the sixth month, in the first day of the month (June 1st) Haggie gave the word of the Lord. He said to them, as the host of the Lord, “Consider your ways.” After prompting them to take heave to their present actions he explained to them, in a manner some would consider a parable, that they constantly want more despite the fact they have plenty; never to be satisfied. As so, instead of spending time with the Lord and relying on Him whole heartily, they relayed on their own ways; which left them to labor more (sow much) yet receive little in return for their work (bring in little). They had food to eat to satisfy their bodily hunger, yet they desired more. They had clothes to clothe themselves yet it wasn’t enough; they needed more. And last, they earned money thinking it was going in their pocket, when in reality it was as if they had holes in their pocket and the money was falling out due to them constantly spending.

If one were to compare this scripture with a nation in present day, because Haggie was speaking to a nation, one might say the United States fits this parable. We put ourselves out here everyday, striving to work towards something because we've been promised something better in return. When in reality the compensation we receive for our “hard work” is not nearly the amount we truly deserve. All the middle to lower class jobs, that consist of the people doing the work that makes that institution function and exist, receive the lowest amount of money from the actual overall amount received for that product or service, while the ones who do no labor bring in majority of the overall amount. Therefore one could argue that we sow so much, yet bring in so little.

America is facing a problem with over production. We are producing things at rate that doesn’t line up with the actual use of the said product. Cars are constantly being built, yet thousands sit on lots everyday, half never used just resold to auctions to repeat the cycle again. We have plenty of food, yet we act as if it is not enough. As a friend famously put it, we no longer eat for survival, instead for pleasure. We have plenty of clothes, yet in some cases there seems to be this preconceived notion that one cannot wear the same outfit twice. “To do that would be taboo.” Or, one I am even guilty of, the famous excuse that its out of season or style.

When one is forced to really look at American society and its structuring, the argument that we our enslaved by our kind yet do not realize it, can be made. All of us, and really no matter what class, have to work in order to live in this society. In some manner we have to work at something in order to get it. Most of us have to go to work everyday to earn wages, knowing those wages are going to be spent. Whether it is on bills, keep in mind debt, or items you need such as food and water. In the end we are constantly pushed to work for wages, that in the end, will never be enough for how one truly desires to live, or at least how one feels they should live.

Scholars and many others have argued that history repeats itself. Yet we can never seem to learn from it. I Wonder why that is?

Dake,F.J.(2009).The Dake Annotated Reference Bible: King James Version. Dake Publishing.