Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Hostility of Accepting Wrong

November 22, 2013

Hostility of Accepting Wrong

Excuse me for my hostility from being tired of settling for what isn’t right. There comes a point in one’s life when they are confronted with the truth and knowledge of a situation, and must decide whether to ignore or accept it. To accept it means, that if there lies a problem within that truth being present/exposed one must seek to expose it; make known, that truth. Truth entails righteousness. The ability to seek; in any circumstance, the right choice that takes not only ones self, but others, into consideration before choosing.

We placed our trust in a system that is not meant to lead us. Yes, it may have been created as so decades ago, but today, that original purpose no longer aligns with today’s world. The framers forgot one thing when trying to structure the government. This life is ever changing, and therefore, man is changing with it. What was applicable hundreds of years ago, is no longer so today. The rules set in place to govern- control- the people were constructed in a time when technology was not present. That in itself shows the magnitude in different environments. Therefore, we cannot continue to follow a system whose foundation is encompassed in racial, ethnocentric, points of views that cannot exist in today’s system without causing conflict (as we see to this day).

People are being constrained to this ideology that if they work hard they can live the American dream. However, this notion is so flawed yet covered so well, most people never catch the flaw. Only a blind person could accept the American creed, and unfortunately blind are most today. Blind to the illusions set in place to district them from the truth; better yet reality. Blind to the value they are truly worth. So consumed by materials most are never consumed by anything else. There will be a time, however; there has to be a time, when those who are blind receive sight. Until that time those who can see, must lead the way, and stand to their feet.

I cannot be the only one anxious to be free. Tired of being restrained from experiencing life outside these walls. They say we have free-will, yet why do I feel like a prisoner. I live right. I strive for good. I love with no end. So why can I not live! Why can I not be free? Free to experience everything my God left me, here on this earth; with no restraint, no restrictions, nor a form of compensation demanded.