Saturday, June 30, 2012

Story of the land of peace

There once was a place, a place of peace, that dwelt in the mind's of few.
Days of no struggles, days of no sorrow, yet instead they rejoiced with grace.
All loved, loved with action, not with just words.
Carelessly giving, they gave their all for one another.
With the thought of compassion and understanding, one never killed another.
Instead, all lived and worked for one another, but with love.
Not of blood, they were family.
Brother's and sister's of mother's and father's, all connected to one.
They danced how they wished, sang as they pleased.
Rejoiced in His glory and blessings given to them.
Tears of joy, laughter's like skittles.
All different, yet all their own.
Together they stood, together they would surely fall.
Pushed to the depth but not to death, those with envy eyes, tried.
Stricken now, they began to collide.
Like a storm, sudden and dark, chaos arose.
Those having seen clearly now were blind.
Blinded by the noise, the noise of thunder, now they were confused.
Although confused, due to few, few strong and brave, they survived.
Instead of turning a blind eye, to those envy eyes, they forgave.
So envious from its envy, it turned away.
Now knowing what was present, that was not just before, they knew they would be faced with more.
But because of who they were, no worries where dwelt upon, yet instead thoughts of peace and understanding.

Friday, June 22, 2012

What and why

One must ask at some point, on this journey to knowledge, what is one to do with this knowledge? What do you do with the information presented to you? Information that tells you what was right, is now wrong. Information that tells you, you will consciously be forced to choose. Will you choose your beliefs or the majority's?
They say history repeats itself. That we as humans; consciously or unconsciously, repeat the same mistakes as before, just in a different form. Few men have and continue to say, violence is right and just for freedom. Yet, they fall to no act of that violence themselves, but instead send another to commit the act. Apologies are given years later along with words of regret and some responsibility taken, just to be reiterated decades later. Innocent lives lost to another like themselves, yet lost in this battle of words and power they came face to face; both present with death. Tears fall, voices heighten, yet once again only for a moment. Questions are raised and research is done, yet no solution is found? Once again, decades later we are presented with the same issue just in a different form. As the act takes a mask to cover its true identity. We once again take the same steps, just in different forms with new faces, to try to solve this act of violence with violence. Yet we say it is a means to peace.
The question must be asked and in a firm and mighty voice, What is War?
What is this act of evil we commit to one another yet we justify as peace and freedom? Because we inhabit a different part of land on the same island, we act as though we can not share it all as one. And even to say that is wrong. It is not all of us who choose this thing called war. No, it is few who gain a power of majority of us, and place fear and chaos in our hearts and mind. Who hold a much larger agenda in mind. Yet, than it is our fault. If we our majority, if they are to represent us, why are we not speaking out? Why are we sitting by acting as if this dream they are dangling in our face, is going to satisfy us for the rest of our life. Why?

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Our society and Consumerism

As I set and watched a documentary on Netflix, I challenged myself to the very message spoken by the narrator. Many questions are asked throughout the film that makes one question accountability.The documentary was Ethos directed by Pete McGrain.  Outside of the political theories, if one would focus their attention to what I believe is the theme of the film, the current role of the mass in American society, one would question our current state of being and our future as a society. Consumerism can be defined as a society that does nothing but consume things. People spend their hard working money on things that are not a necessity, yet because another has it or is portrayed as feeling good from having the product, ones desires begin to increase in the want of having the item. We constantly take things yet give nothing back. The documentary gives note to Edward Bernays, nephew of famous philosopher, Sigmun Freud, pioneer of Public Relations. Bernays understood the humans drive to want but introduced a new approach to playing on the humans desire for profit or gain. His theory to advertising and getting consumers to make purchase, was to make them feel they would feel good if they had this product. The ability to connect emotionally with ones audience, is a powerful tool in any form of public speaking. Humans have the need to belong and be understood. We want to feel like we matter, like we have a purpose, but when we don't feel like we have a purpose or anyone cares, our state of being is reduced to a state that is susceptible to one who shows they care; even if they truly don't.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Who's more important?

I ask myself as I sit with the children I've devoted  this time to. Children that are not mine of blood, but of spirit. I sit and wonder is there anything I can truly do for them. I send a prayer their way when I close my eyes at night and try to sleep through, what I know is disaster and chaos yet can do nothing to help. I wonder am I the only one who feels this way. Yes, I understand we have our own problems, but is that not the point? We all face issues, we all are experiencing a form of heartache. Yet, there are those who have overcame these triumphs. Once one has experienced something, one gains a perspective of the situation giving them a first hand knowledge or understanding of the matter.If you never experience the situation you have no first hand knowledge or understanding of the matter, the only understanding you have is a second hand knowledge that is subjected to the understanding of another. Therefore, one receiving the second hand knowledge never gets a opportunity of understanding it in ones own perspective, subjecting one to take anothers word or perspective. I myself had no first hand knowledge on the situations and problems in relation to the mental health field until I began working in the field. There are so many problems I could begin to list that would blow your mind; like parents subjecting their kids to the label of a disability yet they are not disabled, but with the right doctor or psychiatrist one can be labeled as so, so they may draw social security. Parents can be found telling their children they cannot work, when they desire to do so and are capable, because it would effect their social security benefits! Is this not a problem? Note, I do not express this information to bring a negative connotation to this industry, but I express this in the hope the focus is placed on the issue starts at Home. The choices we make in regards to what is the best for us, need to be noted they will have a effect on another. So the question than is, Do I care about myself more than another to make a choice I know will have a positive effect for me but a negative effect for another? Who is truly more important myself or another?