One must ask at some point, on this journey to knowledge, what is one to do with this knowledge? What do you do with the information presented to you? Information that tells you what was right, is now wrong. Information that tells you, you will consciously be forced to choose. Will you choose your beliefs or the majority's?
They say history repeats itself. That we as humans; consciously or unconsciously, repeat the same mistakes as before, just in a different form. Few men have and continue to say, violence is right and just for freedom. Yet, they fall to no act of that violence themselves, but instead send another to commit the act. Apologies are given years later along with words of regret and some responsibility taken, just to be reiterated decades later. Innocent lives lost to another like themselves, yet lost in this battle of words and power they came face to face; both present with death. Tears fall, voices heighten, yet once again only for a moment. Questions are raised and research is done, yet no solution is found? Once again, decades later we are presented with the same issue just in a different form. As the act takes a mask to cover its true identity. We once again take the same steps, just in different forms with new faces, to try to solve this act of violence with violence. Yet we say it is a means to peace.
The question must be asked and in a firm and mighty voice, What is War?
What is this act of evil we commit to one another yet we justify as peace and freedom? Because we inhabit a different part of land on the same island, we act as though we can not share it all as one. And even to say that is wrong. It is not all of us who choose this thing called war. No, it is few who gain a power of majority of us, and place fear and chaos in our hearts and mind. Who hold a much larger agenda in mind. Yet, than it is our fault. If we our majority, if they are to represent us, why are we not speaking out? Why are we sitting by acting as if this dream they are dangling in our face, is going to satisfy us for the rest of our life. Why?
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