Trends in Nursing Homes Throughout
Over the Past 30 Years
Talisha Griffin M.A.
of Central Oklahoma
researcher would like to dedicate this research to Mary C. Shafford. Due to her
unfortunate death from nursing home neglect, this research was inspired by her
unnecessary suffering and loss. In addition, the researcher would like to thank
Dr. Reed of Gerontology from the University of Central Oklahoma (UCO);
key-informants who provided their knowledge and time; and those who shared
their loved-ones stories, for their support and help with this research.
Lastly, the researcher would like to thank the Research and Grants office of
UCO for funding this research.
With the increase in life expectancy our society
is facing a critical issue of providing the care needed for the aging
population. As so, the lack of effective policy has resulted in criminal
activity taking place against this population of citizens. This project seeks
to examine a historical analysis of trends in crime related to Oklahoma nursing
homes over the past 30 years. In this study, newspapers, court documents,
public health reports, observations, and interviews with key informants will be
utilized to analyze crime
trends in nursing home facilities. The crimes
being studied include conventional and white collar crimes.
Major societal changes
that have taken place since the late 70’s have left members of American society
with a problem that if looked upon by other cultures, that problem would not
exist as it does here. The tradition of taking care of the elders within the
community, and family, has been present for decades amongst more traditional
cultures. However, with the culture that persists today in America factors such
as the availability of the family, the needed finances, and help are not
present as they should be. Instead institutions have been set in place to provide
the care needed. However, the problem is these institutions are not providing
the quality- let alone humane- care these individuals need at all times.
“Public policy on nursing homes has failed to produce satisfactory
institutional care for America’s aging population” (Subcommittee on Long-Term
Care, 1975, para. 3).
report by the Special Committee on Aging (2003) concluded that 90 percent of
nursing homes in the U.S. have staffing levels too low to provide adequate
care. Inadequate staffing contributes minimally to problems of bad care, abuse
and neglect (para. 32). Elder abuse and neglect shortens the victim's life and
often triggers a downward spiral that has devastating consequences for an
otherwise productive, self-sufficient life (Special Committee on Aging, 2003,
para. 6). Even with this knowledge, states such as Oklahoma are struggling to
fight the excuses provided by policy makers of why increased staffing levels
cannot be achieved. As stated by Keith Dobbs, President and CEO of Care
Oklahoma, “The notion that our facilities deprive our residents of the care
they deserve through deficient staffing levels baffles us. As Governor Mary
Fallin laid out in her State of the State address… there simply isn’t the state
funding to pay for staffing increases of the magnitude specified in HB 2901” (Fox23, 2014).
of the issues that contribute to the difficulty of measuring nursing home
crimes is the lack of a concise definition of what constitutes as abuse or
neglect. For the purpose of this research it should be noted that crime in
nursing homes includes neglect, abuse, exploitation, and lack of providing an
environment that would prevent mental anguish for patients. The American
Medical Association has described elder abuse and neglect as actions, or the
omission of actions that result in harm, or threatened harm to the health or
welfare of an elderly person. “Abuse includes intentional infliction of
physical or mental injury; sexual abuse; or withholding of necessary food,
clothing, and medical care to meet the physical and mental health needs of an
elderly person by having the care, custody or responsibility of an elderly
person” (Madden, 1995, para. 8). As well, white collar crime in nursing homes
includes fraud, up-coding, falsifying documents and records, inadequate
staffing, billing for services not rendered, misdiagnosing for compensation,
and pocketing revenue from Medicare and Medicaid (FBI 2007 and 2012, NW3C 2007).
Nursing homes are held to a standard, by law, which requires them to
care for their residents in such a manner, and in such an environment, that
promotes the maintenance or enhancement of the quality of life for each
resident. They must provide services, and activities; or maintain the highest
practicable physical, mental, and psycho-social well-being of each resident in
accordance with a written plan of care (Maple Law Firm, n.d.). Insufficient
staffing levels, poor environment, unenforced policies and regulations
contribute to the problem.
the increase in life expectancy and our progression in modern medicine, people
are living longer than they were 50 years ago. According to the Department of
Health and Human Services Administration on Aging, the total population of
citizens 60 and older has increased from six percent in 1900 to 16 percent in
2000, and is projected to see an increase by 25 percent in 2030 (AOA). Therefore, if this target population does continue to
increase the demand for society to provide the care needed will be significant.
If we cannot provide the adequate staffing levels needed to provide quality
care now because of budget issues, how significant will this issue be 10 years
from now and how will we deal with it?
paper will provide a general overview of the issues faced with nursing homes in
relation to the crimes that take place in these facilities. In addition, it
will provide an exploratory and geographical analysis of crime trends seen
throughout Oklahoma’s nursing homes over the past 30 years. As well, personal
stories from family members and residents who experienced different forms of
nursing home crimes will be provided. After providing a thorough analysis of
the issue, efficient policy and regulatory suggestions will be made to help
address and improve the crime endured by residents of nursing home facilities.
Review of Literature
Stress and Neglect
Inadequate care of the elder population has become a growing issue for
American society. It has become a focal point of social, scientific, and media
attention; due to the discovery of a significant number of elderly victims of
family violence; and major demographic changes that occurred over the last half
century (Cornell & Gelles, 1982). Laslett (1973) mentions children having
the responsibility of caring for their aging parents as a new growing aspect of
family life. However, as mentioned by Treas (1977), we should be concerned
about the impact of the increasing burden of home care on the emotional and
financial resources of families, especially in light of the increased entry of
women into the labor force. Although, these authors work were published over 30
years ago, we can see how their research is relevant in today’s society. For
most social classes- excluding the upper, both parents are in the work force.
It has a created what some call the “sandwich generation”- adults caught in
between caring for their children and parents, and it has been found to cause a
stress that some scholars say cause elder abuse and neglect (discussed later in
more detail). With the increase in individuals having to enter the work force;
and for some this entails long hours of labor that takes up majority of their
day and the income still doesn’t satisfy the need to survive comfortably, the
problem of children caring for their aging parents is still present today.
Therefore, the need for an outside caregiver is present, and hence there are nursing
Burden on
Long-Term Care Industry
today’s society more families are relying on long-term care facilities to
provide the care needed for their aging family members. There are social, as
well as economic problems, for facilities that provide long-term care for the
aging population. The economic issues these facilities face consist of the
production and distribution of services, as well as, the consumption of the
services provided by the staff. The social problems that face these facilities
are the individuals that are hired to care for these individuals; as well, the
compensation for care staff employees of nursing facilities is poor. A recent
policy change in Oklahoma allows individuals with a criminal record to work in
nursing homes. Individuals convicted of crimes like first-degree robbery,
assault and battery are permitted to work in nursing homes across the state
(Atkins & Markoff, 2012). The reason for this policy change was to address
the understaffing issue. This, however, raises greater concerns then
understaffing, the safety and well-being of the residents.
According to Gorbein and Eisenstein (2005), elder abuse was recognized
in ancient societies. For the United States elder abuse became a topic of
interest and concern back in the 1970’s. Until reports of abuse and neglect in
nursing homes became apparent in the 70’s, as a result of the United States
Senate Special Committee on Aging, this problem was not recognized by the
general public nor the government. Still to this day the problem is
underreported and under-recognized. According to the CDC (2013) elder
mistreatment is a serious problem in the United States. “There is a lack of
data but what we do know is that: In 2008, one in 10 elders reported emotional,
physical, or sexual mistreatment or potential neglect in the past year; and
many cases are not reported because elders are afraid to tell police, friends,
or family about the violence” (CDC, 2013, para. 2). Even when cases of abuse
are reported they are often disregarded. Gorbein and Eisenstein (2005) discuss
in great detail the occurrence of elder abuse. They found in the United States,
“over two million older adults are mistreated each year” (Gorbein &
Eisenstein, 2005, p. 281). Of the mistreatment experienced the most common
types were physical abuse, verbal abuse, and neglect. Women were found to be
the most common victim in regards to gender. They were found to be subjected to
physical and sexual abuse at higher rates (Gorbein & Eisenstein, 2005).
1981 United States House of Representatives Select Committee on Aging reported
that (as cited in Gorbein & Eisentein, 2005),
“elder abuse is far from
an isolated and localized problem involving a few frail elderly and their
pathological offspring. The problem is a full-scale national problem which
exists with a frequency which few have dared to imagine. In fact, abuse of the
elderly by their loved ones and caretakers exists with a frequency and rate
only slightly less than child abuse on the basis of the data supplied by the
States” (p. 280).
Gorbein and Eisenstein (2005) note the
significance of understanding the gap between reported and unreported cases. It
is important because what we think we know from reported crimes, does not
amount to what we don’t know from the cases that are unreported. Moreover, it
is important because if there is no uniform standard for reporting crimes in
nursing homes there is no uniform way to measure the crimes taking place. This
is significant because the data needed to conduct proper and effective research
is missing. Moreover, it hinders both academia’s and the public’s awareness.
abuse has been called a "hidden" or "silent" crime because
a large percentage of cases go unreported, with some research indicating fewer
than 20 percent of cases of elder abuse being reported (Orthmann & Hess,
2010). Therefore, researching
elder abuse is a challenge because of the lack of data- a problem compounded by
the reluctance to report a crime. Due to the reliance on statistics to depict
the actual number of victims of a crime, such as the Uniform Crime Reports
(UCR) and National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS); elderly persons are seen
as rarely victimized (Payne & Gainey, 2006). A 2007 nationally
representative study of over 7,000 residing elders, within a community,
estimated that approximately one in ten elders reported experiencing at least
one form of elder mistreatment in the past year (NIJ, 2010).
Whited, the Deputy State Ombudsman, from the Office of the State Long-Term Care
Ombudsman Aging Services Division discussed the issue with a developed
reporting system that tracks nursing home crimes. “We’ve discovered there is no
category in the uniform crime index for nursing home crimes, so there is no way
to really track what all is going on” B. Whited (personal communication, Oct.
15, 2013). The result of not having a category available in the UCR to report
nursing home crimes, is that many of the crimes that do take place fly under
the radar because there is no tracking method available to catch them, and it
limits the research that can and should be conducted to understand and address
this issue. It wasn’t until recently that a law was enacted which required
crimes that occur in nursing homes to be reported to the police so that the
facility can be held accountable for its failure to report a crime that
occurred in the facility. Before if there was a case of abuse, neglect, or
exploitation they were required to report it to the Oklahoma State Department
of Health and Adult Protection Services. There was, however, never any
reporting requirement to law enforcement. B. Whited (personal communication,
Oct. 18, 2013).
major problem that hinders the investigation and accurate reporting of cause of
death is the silent connection between funeral homes, medical examiners (ME),
and nursing facilities. It was discussed in Tender
Loving Greed (Mendelson, 1974) the hidden epidemic of ME’s and nursing
facilities working together. It was discovered that the reporting of any foul
play that may have contributed to the resident’s cause of death was being
brushed under the carpet. Nursing
facilities were known for being in cahoots with funeral homes by sending and
referring dead residents to specific funeral homes (Mendelson, 1974). There is no physical evidence of this still
occurring today, however, no one has taken the time to conduct a recent study
to see if the problem still exists. Although, not to the extent of what was
being done in the past; today a connection can still be found between the two
industries. The problem coming to light today is the absent of the body being
reviewed by a ME to determine the cause of death; or to determine if any foul
play existed (E. Houser, personal communication, Oct. 18, 2013). “At present,
the medical community cannot easily distinguish between those types of injuries
that indicate abuse or neglect and those that are the natural effects of
illness or aging. Few experts are available to testify in court and limited
data exist to bolster cases brought into the system” (NIJ, 2010, para. 4).
Theory: Theory of Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect
Due to the minimal research conducted on
nursing home crimes there is not a universally accepted theory that fully
accounts for or explains nursing home abuse and neglect. Looking at theories developed to explain the
cause of crime on a holistic scale; such as routine activity theory- suitable
target, lack of capable guardianship, and motivated offender- we can understand
why crimes occur against the aging population. However, when attempting to
explain the cause of nursing home abuse and neglect, one must be broader in
explaining the cause because it’s dealing with human behavior.
the late 80’s into the early 90’s researchers attempted to explain the cause of
caregiver abuse as being due to stress. However, stress theory has been
criticized for being too one-dimensional when trying to explain what is seen in
practice or in research findings (Gorbien & Eisenstein, 2005). Therefore,
the shift focused to the personality of the caregiver when explaining abuse. A
study by Pillemer and Finkelhorn (1989) provided support for caregiver
personalities being an important predictor of abusive relationships.
combination of the predictors results in the following model as an attempt to
explain the factors that have an influence on the abuse and neglect of nursing
home residents.
The structure of the institution/system
leaves vulenarable victims to bureaucratic care which results in the abuse
and/or neglect of residents; institution/system represents the nursing
facilities. Vulernarable victims are defined as individuals who are dependant
on someone else for the function of their daily lives. Capable guardianship
refers to a person(s) who are responsible for providing a guardianship
oversight that can deter criminal opportunity (i.e. family members of aging
residents). Buereaucratic care is defined as care being regulated by
bureaucratic standards; which inevitably results in shortcuts being taken-
efficiency versus quality- on the care that is provided to residents. The focus
on proper care being delivered is not present, instead a business mindset is present
where profit is the driving motivation. Therefore, bureaucratic care also
entails the notion that profit trumphs human life. The model is called the Anchor Effect.
Although, routine activity
theory can be found to be the basis- literally- of the model the researcher
believes it is important to account, from a holostic point of view, the cause
for such simalarities and reveal an overall representation for the specific
crime of abuse and neglect against elder persons in nursing homes (See Figure
When conducting research on broad topics,
one is told to be more specific in their thinking when addressing major
problems. However, the problem behind this rational is one has the potentional
to miss the bigger picture. Like a tree, there are roots that are responsible
for the life and growth of the substance. Of all those roots, however, there is
one seed- one foundation- from which they sprout from. Problems can take on the
same analogue.
When tracing the problem of abuse and
neglect of residents in nursing homes, scholars have found the care staff to be
the perpatator more often than any other staff member within the institution
(Gorbien & Eisenstein, 2005). This occurs because of the consistent direct
contact between the residant and care staff members. Subsequently, because of
the lack of visitation from family members for most residents, there is no
capable gaurdianship present. Morever, because there is no universal
survaillance monotoring system for nursing homes, there are no physical
deterrents to deter perpatartors from endulging in criminal behavior.
Therefore, the structure of the nursing home system in itself is the beginning
cause of the problem. The inexecusable fact these entities have not taken more
security percautions to ensure the safety of their residents is quite bafalling
considering the seriousness of the problem. However, when the root cause for
these excuses are understood as being linked to personal financial gains of
individuals who never set foot on the facilities ground to observe the care
being provided; understanding the fight that has been present for over 40
years, is a fight against capitalism and bureaucracy.
of the individuals who reside in nursing homes are individuals who need; more
often than not, continous care- care that could not have otherwise been
provided by family members. Therefore, majority of these individuals are
considered vulnerable; whether physically or mentally. Encompassed withhin this
vulenarability is a helplessness and fear against those entrusted to provide
quality care, yet abuse their autonomy and authority and inflict harm or
neglect. “To worsen matters, health
professionals often minimise complaints of elder abuse because of disbelief,
fear of accusing the perpatrator, or lack of awareness of the extent of the
problem” (Madden, 1995, p. 2).
The most promenent theoritcal thought for
the explanation of elder abuse consist of the personality, and stress endured
by the offender. Gorbein and Eisenstein (2005) discovered in their research
that stress is not the promenent cause of elder abuse. Instead, with the
support of additional studies, caregiver personality issues were found to be
important in the development of an abusive relationship. Pillemer and
Finkelhorn (1989) compared theories of caregiver stress versus problem
relatives (personality of the abusers) and found spouses- not adult children-
were the larger group of offenders. “Abusers deviance and dependence were far more important predictors of
mistreatments by caregivers than were characterstics of the victims…Employess
working for low wages in a stressful enviornment who are hands-on caregivers
are likely at high risk to become abusers” (pp. 284-289).
Personality plays a major part in the
devience engaged in, however, the researcher believes- as with anything- that
can be true in some cases but not all. Therefore, the personality of the
abuser, morale, and the stress endured from the demand of labour can all have
an effect on the deviant behavior being studied. The abuse and neglect that is
being carried out on these residents cannot be explained by a single factor,
instead multiple factors must be taken into consideration and even than the
circumstances can change. Human behavior cannot be explained from a single
occurance. There are many factors and variables that explain our behavior and
at any moment those variables that determine that behavior can change.
Therefore, one cannot be specific in their thinking, nor research, when
attempting to explain the causes of human behavior- what the researcher is
attempting to do here. We can, however, pin-point the cause of the problem that
has influence on the human behavior in question.
Although, these facilities are governed by
federal and state laws to provide a level of quality care that meets certain
standards of living, deserved by the receiver, some can be found to not provide
that care. Even more startling is what few cases of abuse and neglect that are
persued in court are tried in civil court rather than criminal court. Majority
of the rest of the cases receive nothing more then a fine and/or warning.
Therefore, no exterme detterent exsist to deter individuals and the facility
from participating in deviant behavior and unethical practices. There are plenty
of effective detterents for other forms of crimes committed by individuals,
such as murder and larceny- prison time, probabtion, etc.- yet nothing like
that is enforced with the type of nursing home crimes committed by individuals
apart of an entity.
Home Demographics
As of
2011, there are 15,683 nursing homes in the United States with more than 1.4
million residents (CMS, 2012). This is a decrease in facilities compared to
16,560 being in existence in 2002. This can become a major problem if the
number of facilities continue to decrease. With the population of those aged 65
and older projected to steadily increase, the need for someone or something to
provide the care they need is in demand.
2001, it was reported by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that
90% of nursing homes staffing levels were too low to provide adequate care
(AAJ, n.d.). The prevailing reason of why staffing levels are so low is because
of budget issues. However, in cases where the financial history of the facility
is studied in great detail, instances where funds were being used to pay for
owner’s personal mortgages, one understands budget issues are not the true
cause of the problem (John Doe, Personal Communication, Dec. 17, 2013).
Majority of nursing homes in America are owned by for-profit companies. In
2011, 10,822 nursing homes were for-profit, 3,970 were not-for-profit, and 891
were owned by the government.
to the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), in 2011 only 9.2% of
nursing homes throughout the United States were deficiency free. Although, the
tone of the CMS compendium report seemed content with the reporting in 2011
about cited health deficiencies, it is quite staggering the overall citations
given. It was reported that 56% of the health deficiencies cited were at the
scope and severity of “D”, and more than 83% of deficiencies being “D” or “E.”
The scope and severity of “D” and “E” are defined as greater than minimal harm.
Greater than minimal harm cannot be an acceptable living standard for this
target population. In regards to certification type in 2011; 14,328 (91.4%)
were dually certified, 775 (4.9%) were Medicare only certified, and 571 (3.6%)
were Medicaid only certified (CMS, 2012). Quality care conditions must be met to receive government
funding, Medicare and Medicare. However, it seems those conditions need to be
1993, the total public expenditures for nursing home care totaled $58.6
billion; with Medicare covering $5.5 billion, Medicaid $23.5 billion, private
$28.3, and other public $1.3 billion (Burwell & Crown,
1994). “Over 78 percent of
all public spending for nursing home care flows through the Medicaid program,
it also accounts for more than 40 percent of all public and private spending
for nursing homes” (Burwell & Crown,
1994, p. 6). In 2006, the amount of
money spent on nursing homes by state and federal was $75 billion (AAJ, n.d.).
The spending has continued to increase.
White-Collar Crimes
crimes are defined as crimes committed by business and government
professionals. Crimes include a full range of frauds and other illegal activity
that if committed by individual persons they would be criminally prosecuted.
However, it is important to note that the prosecution of white collar-crimes
are low, and in most cases are only prosecuted in civil court- if that, but
it’s mainly handled with administrative legislation. The latter section will
explore the multiple variables associated with nursing home white-collar
and Name Change
the owner of nursing facilities is important when researching the crimes that
take place within these entities. The reason for this is because the owner is
responsible for the structure and function of the facility, therefore, making
them responsible for what crimes occur inside and outside of the facility.
“Regardless of the components of the network, a single entity must be
responsible for its operation” (Kusserow, 1990, p. 4). This perception, however, is found to not be universally
accepted when trying to prosecute these types of crime. The issue with
uncovering the owners of these facilities is prevalent; whether the blame is to
be placed on state agencies or individuals themselves, there is a discrepancy
in reporting accurate ownership.
data from the Oklahoma Secretary of State (OSS) does not align with Oklahoma
State Department of Health (OSDH) information on ownership of nursing
facilities. For example, when trying to determine the existence of Oak Hill
Living Center located in Jones, Oklahoma-where a case occurred in 1997- one
realizes the inconsistency and discrepancy in information. According to the OSS
entity records, Oak Hill Living Center, Inc. is legal and in use as of August
5, 1996. The registered agent information listed is for a John A. Philbin whose
address is located in Oklahoma City. However, if one attempts to look for Oak
Hill Living Center on the Oklahoma State Department of Health site under the provider
and inspection query, there is no Oak Hill Living Center. Instead there is an
Oak Hill Care Center located in Jones, Ok and has a history of complaints
dating back to January 1, 2001. However, when one searches Oak Hills Care
Center from the OSS database, Oak Hills Care Center, L.L.C. is shown as in
existence as of August 24, 2006. The registered agent information is for John
Stout who is located in Norman, OK. Mendelson (1974) pointed out the complexity
present when trying to uncover the owners of nursing facilities. For those who
may ask, what is the importance of knowing the owner of the facilities? The
actions of the ownership in large measures and determines the quality of the
patients’ lives (Mendelson, 1974).
owner(s) of nursing facilities are also responsible for the financial decisions
made by, and for the facility- Medicaid or Medicare reimbursement, monthly rent
of the facility, price per bed, etc. As seen in the 2008 financial crisis of
the housing market, the books of businesses indulging in illegal activities
were so complex that even the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) could
not understand them. This inadvertently is what allowed the companies to engage
in illegal and inappropriate activity without being caught for so long. The
same complexity in reports was documented by
Mendelson (1974). Here owners would increase the monthly rent of the
facilities with justifications that if further investigated show discrepancies.
By increasing the monthly rent for the facilities, one could request more help
from the government in regards to financing for care of patients- when in
reality the request for increase was not for resident care. Once again, this
problem has not been recently studied to verify if this still occurs. However,
when simply trying to identify the owners of these facilities to further
investigate, one is presented with a major road block because the information
is unavailable, inaccurate, or inconsistent.
are important for businesses because the rating effects the perception held by
consumers. Nursing home facilities are rated for the care provided to its
residents. In Oklahoma, the Health Care Authority enacted a rating and
reimbursement program called Focus on Excellence. The purpose of this program
is to provide incentives for nursing facilities that provide quality care. The
issue found here, however, is the reimbursement for poor care provided by
Oklahoma facilities yet are rated as providing quality care from Focus on
Excellence. From a national level, the U.S. government has a rating system ran
by Medicare called Nursing Home Compare. Medicare’s system rates the same
nursing homes rated by Oklahoma’s system lower. Whether it is the state or the
federal rating system that is incorrect, there is obviously an issue in
understanding of what constitutes as quality care. Therefore, Focus on
Excellence needs to be reevaluated and monitored for discrepancies in ratings
and reimbursements of nursing facilities that may not be providing quality
Misuse of
Medicaid and Medicare Funds
The government is the largest payer of nursing
home care (Carson, 2001). In 1987, the standards were revamped for nursing
homes to receive Medicaid and Medicare funds. Prior to 1987, the standards were
weak and focused on a home’s ability to provide adequate care, rather than on
the level of care actually provided (Carson, 2001). The reason for this change
was because of the results from the 1986 report by the Institute of Medicine.
The report found a widespread report of abuse in nursing homes. The new
standards enacted in 1987 required nursing homes to “provide services and
activities to attain or maintain the highest practicable physical, mental, and
psychosocial well-being of each resident” (Carson, 2001, p 8). If facilities
fail to meet these standards they cannot receive funding from the government –
were documented in both Chicago and New York in which purchases and sales of
facilities were fraudulently conducted to deceive regulators and enhance
publicly funded reimbursement. Not only were the New York homes involved in
fraud, they grossly abused patients” (Kaffenberger, 2000, p. 45). In Oklahoma, in 2000 Jim Smart owner of
Weowoka nursing home bribed Deputy Commission Brent VanMeter to help him
falsify health records so Smart’s nursing home could receive about $50,000 more
in Medicare benefits.
issue of government funding being misused is present. By increasing the
investigation of nursing facilities who receive government funding, and
developing a standard reporting method that clarifies the definition of each
criteria explicitly, it will help start the process of being able to identify
misappropriated funds. The reports need to be reviewed and clarified by a
committee not associated with the nursing facility, but instead a neutral
third-party trained in investigation of facilities for being in noncompliance. The
committee could even be comprised of citizens. No financial assistance would be
needed, only the support and willingness of others to take time out their day
to check on residents and ensure they are receiving proper care. The researcher
is sure, if asked, there are individuals in the community willing to do the
necessary duty for nothing more than the satisfaction of knowing their doing
something right.
Exploitation (Company and Family)
Financial exploitation is a major problem
endured by the aging population. Because of their physical and sometimes mental
health, certain aging individuals are more prone to exploitation. In 2000, $3.4
billion was reported as suspicious accounting transactions against elder
persons (AAJ, n.d.). Adding to the problem, some victims of financial
exploitation may be unaware of being exploited because of cognitive
disabilities or dementia. Likewise, dependence on the perpetrator for care or
shelter, fear of retaliation, or fear of the loss of independence if their
exploitation should become known keeps many elders from reporting financial
exploitation (NIJ, 2010).
Government Accountability Office (GAO) conducted research that explored 20
years of allegations of physical abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation by
guardians in 45 states and the District of Columbia. “In 20 selected closed
cases, GAO found that guardians stole or otherwise improperly obtained $5.4
million in assets from 158 incapacitated victims, many of whom were seniors” (GAO, 2010a, p. 7). The report also revealed in six of 20 cases, the courts
failed to screen potential guardians. This resulted in the appointment of
individuals with criminal convictions or significant financial problems that
would prohibit them from accurately managing high-dollar estates. In 11 of 20
cases, courts and federal agencies failed to remove abusive guardians due to
the lack of communication which resulted in allowing guardians to continue the
abuse of the victim and/or others (GAO, 2010). In 2000, in Oklahoma Ramona Denise Phillips; former office
manager of Wilshire nursing home, was sentenced to probation for forgery and
obtaining money by false pretenses. Phillips forged residents signatures on
personal checks on trust fund checks from 1995-1997, totaling over
there is no uniform reporting method to law enforcement from nursing facilities
that have reports of abuse/neglect/or exploitation there are requirements for
physicians to report signs of abuse or
neglect. According to Madden (1995) many physicians are unaware of the
mandatory reporting laws that have been enacted in 47 states. Only three states
had voluntary reporting laws at that time. “At least 30 state statutes contain
penalties for the failure to report, which range from fines of up to $1,000 to
a maximum of six months imprisonment” (Madden, 1995, p. 4). Ahmad and Lachs
(2002) revealed physicians report only two percent of all reported cases of
elder abuse, despite mandatory reporting laws.
the few cases that are reported there are requirements by the Office of Inspector
General (OIG) to add offenders to a national exclusion list. This exclusion
list requires, by law, to exclude from participation in all Federal health care
programs individuals and entities convicted of the following types of criminal
“Medicare or Medicaid fraud, as well as any
other offenses related to the delivery of items or services under Medicare,
Medicaid, SCHIP, or other State health care programs; patient abuse or neglect;
felony convictions for other health care-related fraud, theft, or other
financial misconduct; and felony convictions relating to unlawful manufacture,
distribution, prescription, or dispensing of controlled substances” (OIG, para.
There are discrepancies found in Oklahoma’s
nurse aide abuse registry managed by the Oklahoma State Department of Health
(OSDH). For example, Uqbasilassie Zerie (case # CF-2013-4539), convicted of
first degree rape in 2013 of two residents at the Franciscan Villa Nursing Home
is not found on the registry. As reported by Clay Loney (2014) from Fox 23 the
OSDH say they will add him after he gets out of prison, but by the OIG, he
should be added to the abuse registry and turned into the OIG exclusion list
the state capital meeting a major ethical issue was discovered between care
staff members who wish to report the truth, and administrative staff of nursing
facilities who wish to hide the truth of incidents with residents. Former care
staff members reported being fired for informing family members of incidents of
sexual assault taken place against their loved ones; to being forced to change
incident reports that showed the facility to be at fault for the incident, to
not being at fault. In the end, there are major ethical barriers that are
keeping accurate reporting practices from occurring in nursing facilities.
inspections that take place at nursing facilities are supposed to be
unannounced. There, however, have been cases where facility owners bribed
commissioners and others connected with the inspection process, for
questionable notifications of inspection schedules. Philip M. Green, owner of
Sallisaw nursing home, in 1993 was found guilty of over-contributing to
Governor David Walters 1990 campaign. Department Deputy Commissioner Brent
VanMeter was arrested for soliciting bribes from a nursing home owner E.W.
Jiles in exchange for regulatory favors. If owners of facilities are able to
make connections with the appropriate people who have influence on the
enforcements and regulations for nursing facilities, a whole other issue is
research needs to be conducted on the inspection process of complaints in
Oklahoma’s nursing homes. When the researcher went through the nursing
facilities provider survey/inspection search, on the Oklahoma State Department
of Health (OSDH) website, to look at inspection findings from complaints filed
by residents and family members, the researcher was shocked to find majority of
the inspection results came back as no cited deficiency. It was brought to the
researcher’s attention that OSDH has frequent openings on a continuous basis
for nursing home inspectors. Upon confirming the information and seeing several
recent openings for inspectors, the researcher can’t help but wonder if the
same issue with staff members of facilities reporting incidents that fault the
facility- as discussed earlier- is occurring here. For those facilities who are
cited as having deficiencies, the issue of the facility staying deficiency free
after the inspection is present. According to
GAO, many nursing homes with serious deficiencies exhibit a “yo-yo pattern” of noncompliance and compliance: after a home is cited
for deficiencies, it briefly comes into compliance to avoid fines or other
sanctions, only to slip into noncompliance after the threat of sanctions is
removed (Carson, 2001, p. 12).
Oklahoma Nursing Homes
homes are known for the profit they bring in. Currently, the industry is a
multi-billion dollar industry. Residents pay a monthly fee per bed for care and
services that are supposed to meet a care plan developed by the family and
resident. In some cases it is startling to know the price paid daily by
residents and the care that is actually received. For the state of Oklahoma the
daily rate for a semi-private room can range from 96-135 dollars, with a median
annual rate of 47,187-53,400 dollars (Genworth, 2013). For a private room the
daily rate ranges from 105-144 dollars, with a median annual rate from 53,232-
58,400 dollars. Residents who have Alzheimer’s pay a rate that is double the
normal rate. Unfortunately, for these residents there days consist of being
confined to a room or chair for majority of the day, with the only movement
provided is when it is time to eat- even then some are confined to their room
(Personal Observation, 2012 and 2013).
are facilities that provide daily activities for the residents to participate
in that suffice the daily rate demanded for such service and care. There needs
to be a universal program(s) implemented in nursing homes that ensures the
daily consumption of everyday life activities that allows every resident to
still experience life and its pleasures. This, however, requires more staff
members but the end result is priceless. These individuals come to these
facilities majority of the time to live out the rest of their days. It is only
right to ensure their comfort, happiness, and well-being.
to the CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid) Oklahoma is one of ten states
that has the highest beds per thousand persons aged 85 years and older (386.4
to 509.6). For persons 65 years and older, Oklahoma has over 44.5 to 56.0 beds
per thousand persons (CMS, 2012). Yet, our staffing levels are low, and as stated earlier
our current governor sees no way to increase funding for the appropriate
staffing levels needed.
the GAO (2010(b)) report, Oklahoma was ranked seven out of 50 states (Alaska
was excluded) for high scores that represented the poor care received by
residents. In 2001 a report prepared by Brad Carson for the U.S. House of
Representatives, found that out of the 393 nursing homes in Oklahoma, 68
facilities had a violation that caused actual harm to nursing home residents or
placed them at risk of death or serious injury (Carson, 2001). Of the 393 nursing homes only 56 (14%) homes were in full
or substantial compliance with the federal standards and the remaining 337
homes had at least one violation with the potential to cause more than minimal
harm to residents, or worse. “The 68 homes with actual harm violations or worse
serve 4,895 residents and are estimated to receive over $60 million each year
in federal and state funds” (Carson, 2001, p. 2). The report discovered the
discrepancy in understanding of what constitutes as actual harm. “For example, Oklahoma inspectors classified some violations
involving improper
medical care, untreated pressure sores, malnutrition,
dehydration, and abuse as not causing actual harm”
(Carson, 2001, p 4). That is unfortunate because in many cases, such as the
researchers, malnutrition and dehydration were the cause of death for the
resident. Findings
from Carson 2001 report reveal 68% (269) homes were cited as potential for more
than minimal harm (16,291 residents at risk of harm), 17% (65) homes were cited
as actual harm to residents (4,665 potential victims), and only 12% (49) were
in complete compliance (no violation). “The results
of this investigation indicate that the conditions in these nursing homes often fall substantially below federal standards. “Many residents do
not receive the care their families expect or what federal law
requires” (Carson, 2001, p. 13). Yet funding is received.
As of 2011, majority of nursing homes in
Oklahoma are for-profit ownership (85.6%), with 11.9% being non-profit, and
2.6% owned by the government (CMS, 2012). As long as the motivation is profit, this industry will
continue to face ethical and moral issues.
Oklahoma Nursing Home Cases of
American Health Care Center
Living Center
Nursing Home
Nursing Home
Living Center
Haven Nursing Home
Acres Nursing Home
Seasons Nursing Center
Hill Living Center
Manor Nursing Home
Hill Living Center
Management Group Investigation)
Nursing Home
Nursing Home
ParkCare and Rehabilitation
Nation Nursing Home
of Hicks v Urban East
Nursing Home
Nursing Home
v Colbert Nursing Home Inc 2011)
Gardens OKC
Living Center
Veterans Center
Creek Nursing and Rehabilitation Center
Vista Care and Rehabilitation Center
Villa Nursing Home
(Table 1)
Refer to Appendix A
for a description of the incidents for the case numbers mentioned above
Oklahoma’s Nursing Home Crime Maps
Studies on United States
nursing homes, and crime trends were found through the University of Central
Oklahoma’s (UCO) Chambers Library database. Google advance search engine was
used to search government websites that contained information on nursing homes
throughout the nation, and Oklahoma’s nursing homes. Oklahoma’s State
Department of Health and the Secretary of State website were used to obtain
specific information on Oklahoma’s nursing homes. Other reports used throughout
the research were obtained via the same method.
Legal Search was utilized to find legal cases on nursing home crimes. As well,
News OK Archive was used to discover any news reports of nursing home crimes in
the state of Oklahoma from 1983-2013. Micro-films of newspapers from the University
of Central Oklahoma were used, as well, to search any crime trends from the
defined study years. Cases were documented and stored in an excel file for the
continuing of research.
and quantitative open-ended questions were asked throughout the interviews of
key informants. The following is a list of the questions asked; how long have
you worked as an ombudsman in the state of Oklahoma; what knowledge do you have
about crimes in regards to nursing homes in Oklahoma; do many crimes go
unreported; how is nursing home crime dealt with in the criminal justice
system; and could there be any improvements made in how we currently respond to
crime in nursing homes. Upon permission from the respondent, interviews were
recorded for documenting purposes.
public meeting held at the Oklahoma State Capital where individuals and victims
of nursing home crimes shared their personal story was attended on December 16,
2014. The researcher recorded the meetings for documentation purposes. Inside
knowledge of the care provided to residents at nursing homes was obtained by
engaging in participant observation with fellow residents of two nursing
facilities- Greenbrier (Enid) and Epworth Villa (OKC). The researcher set in
the resident’s room for periods of time ranging from 2-7 hours observing staff
and other residents’ behavior. The facility was explored while visiting. The
researcher was able to engage in activities and meal time with residents to
observe the interaction between staff and residents.
Information System (GIS) ArcMap and ArcCatolog were used to create a
geodatabase of crime trends in nursing homes throughout the state of Oklahoma.
The data to create the geodatabase was collected from the Oklahoma Center for
Geospatial Information (OCGI) and Center for Spatial Analysis (CSA). The
zipcode tiger file was collected from CSA. The political and administrative
points, boundaries, and polygons were collected from OCGI, and cartographic
boundary files were collected from the U.S. Census Bureau. The following GIS procedures were utilized;
mapping cities, attribute by violation type, attribute by rural/urban and
metropolitan areas, as well as attribute by ownership type. The researcher
mapped the cities where reported nursing home crimes have occurred in Oklahoma.
The cities where nursing home crimes have been reported were identified by
using the select by location feature. By selecting the cities of the reported
area, GIS identified the specific locations where further analysis was
conducted. By running the select by attribute procedure the researcher was able
to identify the areas where nursing home crimes have been reported, and analyze
the data based on geographic location and socioeconomic variables. The U.S.
Census guidelines for defining areas were used. Populations exceeding 50,000 in
persons were considered urban areas; populations 10,000 - 49,999 were urban clusters,
and areas containing less than 10,000
persons were consider rural areas.
Tender Loving Greed as a basis for
comparing nursing home improvements over the past 30 years, the researcher
discovered a lot of the issues the industry faced 30 years ago are still
present today. Staffing levels continue to be
low in Oklahoma’s nursing homes. Despite the research
present on the effects of low staff levels and its effect on the quality of
care provided to residents of nursing facilities, Oklahoma has no room in its
budget to address the understaffing issue. The burden, however, should not be
placed solely on the state when the facilities are bringing in enough income to
address that issue. Perhaps the need to revise the budget and divert funds from
those receiving ill-gotten gains for the lack of enforcement of quality care, to those who are
actually responsible for the care provided, will help address that budget
The current rating
system responsible for rating Oklahoma’s nursing homes needs to be further
investigated. Clarifying the understanding of what constitutes as quality and
poor care seems to be needed. As mentioned earlier Medicare’s rating system
rates Oklahoma’s nursing homes lower than Focus on Excellence- Oklahoma’s
rating system. The fact that majority of the citations given are a “C” or lower
justifies the need for improvement.
the lack of enforcement of regulations changes in this industry residents are
likely to experience circumstances they do not deserve to endure. At this time
there are no effective deterrents present that would keep one from engaging in
deviant behaviors against vulnerable victims. The first step in reducing crime
of any type is to figure out a deterrent that takes on a proactive approach to
crime. The researcher believes until the legal system begins to prosecute and
recognize these business entities in criminal court, nothing but the loss of
money- something they have plenty of- is keeping them from continuing to do
nothing; or not enough. Which in turns leaves millions of innocent people to
suffer at the hands of bureaucratic care.
allowed the geographic analysis of crime trends in Oklahoma’s nursing homes to
be conducted for this research. The results show that majority of the crimes
committed from 1983-2013 were committed by for-profit nursing homes. Majority
of the crimes were committed in rural and urban areas (Figure 3). The
researcher believes the location of where crimes are occurring can be
explained; in part, by staffing levels. In rural areas the population is small
and the qualified staff that is needed is scarce. In urban areas it is the
opposite. There are enough people in the area to meet the demand, but there are
a thousand more opportunities to choose from- labor wise- and many of those
opportunities exceed the compensation offered by these institutions. Whether,
rural or urban area the same poor compensation exist. Therefore, in urban areas the target
population for care staff employees is limited to a particular group.
ownership type of nursing facilities is important to look at because it sets
the foundation for how the facility is structured and operated. For-profit
facilities motives are not the same as non-profit facilities. When the end goal
is to make money; efficiency trumps quality. In this circumstance quality is
the more important factor. The residents can’t afford to have efficiency as the
motive of operation.
State needs to establish a State-wide network of responsibilities and
supporting processes to report, investigate, resolve, follow-up, and prevent
abuse and neglect in nursing homes. The State should consider enacting
legislation and/or strengthen existing laws to implement this process and
ensure appropriate resources for its operation. In regards, to dealing with
cases of abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation no one person or profession
should be solely responsible for the management of these cases. Madden (1995)
purposes a multidisciplinary team of caretakers to manage these cases. “A
multidisciplinary team is, by definition, a group of professionals and
paraprofessionals from a variety of disciplines, often representing different
agencies, and working together to achieve a clearly specified set of
goals…These goals may include coordination, diagnosis, prevention, treatment,
consultation and education” (Madden, 1995, p. 4). Individuals from the medical,
social service, mental health, and legal professions should be utilized to make
up this team.
individuals hired who are in direct contact with residents on a daily basis
need to be individuals who possess a set of characteristics, coupled with a
strong morale and ethical standard that allows one to provide the care needed.
Being qualified to provide the necessary care is one thing, but to be able to
do it under stressing circumstance is another. Hiring well-qualified workers,
and training in conflict management and stress reduction, would help one to
manage and deal with the labors high demand.
universal reporting method needs to be established so the progression in
research and prevention strategies can begin to take place on a wider scale.
Until we have a way to account for all the unreported crimes that takes place
in nursing homes the problem will continue to be unrecognized as a major social
problem that needs to be fixed now before it gets any worse. “Nursing home
administrators should report abuse promptly and not wait until internal
investigations are completed” (Ahmad & Lachs,
2002, p. 804).
policies need to be developed and implemented for inspection standards. There
is obviously a disconnect in understanding what constitutes as poor care. Until
this industry, and those who are responsible for the oversight and regulations,
come to a uniform understanding of standard care; the residents will continue
to be caught in the middle of substandard and quality care.
there are not many reported cases of nursing home abuse in Oklahoma over the
past 30 years, it should be reminded once again many cases go unreported.
However, it should be pointed out that the crimes in question are crimes that
even if one incident occurred it is an incident against humanity as a whole.
The population in question is responsible for the current existence of society.
Without them there would be no continuation of life. Therefore, it is the
presiding generations’ responsibility to ensure their safety and comfort as
they live out the rest of their days. This is a continuous situation in life.
Therefore, the thought must be continuous and accepted in order for the problem
to be addressed.
regulations and policies need to be reexamined to ensure the welfare of the
residents are being put first. This industry needs to incorporate proactive
security standards to ensure the safety of its residents. It is sad to say that
a prison has more security then a nursing home; and even sadder to say in some
cases prisoners are treated better than nursing home residents. The government
and taxpayers are paying millions to billions of dollars for care that if
examined closely would make one question what they are actually paying for.
all nursing homes in the state of Oklahoma provide poor care. However, there
seems to be enough- to be classified as many, which do provide a standard of
care that is questionable. The source of these crimes comes from the lack of
enforcement from state and federal agencies that are responsible for ensuring
these facilities provide a standard of care that ensures the well-being of its
residents. More security precautions need to be implemented in this industry.
Unfortunately, it seems we must compromise privacy for security in this case,
in order to help ensure the safety of these vulnerable victims. A simple
resident survey should be conducted asking residents for their opinion on
heightened security precautions such as cameras or voice recordings. Stronger
deterrents needs to be established and worked on if we wish to try to eliminate
or reduce these types of crimes. Opportunity must have its opportunity removed
in order to help curb the deviant behaviors. Most of all the willingness and
effort is needed; to educate others about this problem; to address and analyze
the situation; and to correct the mistakes of others. Whether one cares if this
is relevant or not, understand it will become relevant to oneself at some
point. So
why not do something now.
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Appendix A
Reports by Case Number
1. Employee slapped
resident while intoxicated at work. Company found liable to pay awarded
damages. Prosecuted in OK Supreme court.
2. Meadows family; father and son, charged with manslaughter
of 6 patients who died in the care of the nursing facility. Guns were found to
be housed in the facility, incidents of prostitution, and drugs also found to
have taken place. Charges were dismissed and the home reopened under new name
and management.
3. Donald Wayne Quinton abused while under the care of the
facility by staff member. He suffered serious personal injuries as a result of
an apparent bearing. This case went to the Supreme Court.
4. Female resident raped in facility by a man who broke in
the middle of the night.
5. Phillip M. Green (owner) found guilty of
over-contributing to Governor David Walters 1990 campaign.
6. Failed to report rape of a resident to the family,
police, or DHS prior to the offender’s arrest.
7. Direct care worker Tony Ligons found guilty on 3
misdemeanor counts of aggravated assault and battery against two mentally
retarded residents. He choked one and repeatedly kicked another resident. Four
other residents faced similar charges
8. Woman drowned while left unattended in bathing area.
Prosecuted in civil court.
9. Resident of facility fell from shower chair while left
unattended and not properly restrained.
10. Resident disappeared white in the care of the facility
and later found dead. Prosecuted in civil court.
11. An attorney converted $175,000 from an elderly woman’s
estate, but later testified that he had caused her no harm
12. Two care staff employees pushed on resident’s bedsores,
threw cookies on the floor while patients attempted to get them and eat them.
They received deferred sentences.
13. An attorney took $37,000 from the victim’s account,
using some of the funds to buy into a get-rich-quick scheme with a bank in
Nigeria. The attorney resigned from the bar in 1998, re-applied and was
readmitted in 2007.
14. City of Jay filed a lawsuit in federal court alleging
negligent medical care at the facility which is financed through the Oklahoma
Trust Authority
15. Nurse aid raped 75 year old woman resident (NewsOK archives)
16. E.W. Jiles, nursing home management company owner,
bribed former Deputy Commissioner of Health- Brent VanMeter.
17. Ramona Philips, former office manager, sentenced to
probation for forgery and obtaining money by false pretenses. Forged residents
signatures on personal checks and on trust fund checks (over $8,672 from
18. Mary Gay, resident of nursing home died at 87 in May
after being stung more than 1,600 times by fire ants that burrowed into her room.
No criminal charges were filed, but fines were given. (The Oklahoman)
19. Staff member, Jonathan Luster, touched women in private
area and resident reported it to police
20. Nursing Home administrator was arrested accused of
stealing $1,227 from her residents by forging checks and stealing cash.
21. After 2 months of residing in
the home she fell and broke her hip and nose. While bedfast, she developed
severe pressure sores which became infected and resulted in her death a few
weeks later. Prosecuted in civil court; jury found home guilty of negligence
but did not awarded any damages.
22. Plaintiff- family of decedent- sued Nursing Home for
death of decedent
23. Daughter of James C. Richard Jr. sued home for neglect
of her father which resulted in his death May 19, 2004. Prosecuted in civil
24. Boulden, resident of facility, died 2 months after
residing at Colbert Nursing Home. The case was prosecuted in civil court and
was appealed in 2011.
25. Woman was raped and daughter put out $2,000 reward for
leads to arrest of the person responsible; nursing home claimed no knowledge.
The NH says the Alzheimer’s unit is secured and doesn’t know how the incident
26. Decedent’s next of kin filed suit for negligent care and
breach of duties caused Bruner’s (decedents) death.
27. David Shelton died on January 5, 2007 after having lost
more than 20% of his body weight. Decedent’s cause of death was listed as
congestive heart failure and acute renal (kidney) failure due to dehydration.
Prosecuted in civil court. The daughter also filed action against Oklahoma
Department of Veterans Affairs (ODVA).
28. Richard Curnock was a father to a son who he had to
place in a nursing home due to a disease that affected the brain. His son was
sexually assaulted in a home, and was informed by a floor nurse of what
29. Two black female employees of nursing home caught on
tape stuffing gloves in resident’s mouth and abusing said resident. Family
hasn’t received any findings from an internal investigation that the home was
supposed to conduct according to OKDHS. One of the offenders fled the state,
the other is awaiting trial.
30. California murdered housed at Midwest City (MWC) Nursing
Home with residents. State fined the home $168,000.
31. Mrs. Anderson was neglected to the point of death at a
nursing home facility in Oklahoma. Her daughter Christina has been fighting for
2 years now to have a full proper investigation conducted by OKDHS. She has
continued to get the run around from the state department in regards to
addressing the crime committed.
32. Melanie Rich’s mother was abused in an Oklahoma nursing
home she was residing in. Upon Mrs. Rich being advised by her mother’s roommate
that she needed to see what was going on when she left, Mrs. Rich placed a
nanny cam in the room. Mrs. Rich viewed a graphic video of her mother being
smothered with gloves the aid had just worn to clean urine and feces. When the
aid was finished suffocating her mother she grabbed her head and shook it from
side to side.
33. Possible rape of resident by visitor; staff not present
to account for allegations.
34. Employee accused of stealing drugs and abuse
35. Uqbasilassie Zeire was a nurse aid at Franciscan Villa
Nursing home where he raped two residents. After further investigation Zeire
was not found on the state website as being a licensed nurse. Zerie was found
guilty in criminal court
Elders must know their rights. and before the family decide to send their love one to a nursing home it would be better that the decision is mutual by the elder and that the location is very accessible to visit them anytime and some emergency cases it will be easy to get them to. elder law Denver